

Tap the LoneColor icon to instantly set a beautiful color as your cool and modern wallpaper.

LoneColor for Android

Color wallpapers

Install the free, tiny, and zero interface LoneColor app, and tap its icon to instantly set a beautiful color as your cool, modern and elegant wallpaper. LoneColor brings an infinite palette of tints to your Android smartphone or tablet.

Just one tap

LoneColor is a zero interface app not only on Windows, but also on Android: just tap its icon on the Home screen, or in the app drawer, and instantly see the wallpaper of your device change into ... a surprising random color.

Or copy/tap

Simply copy one of the millions of color codes from a color loving community on the Internet, or from any other app, and tap LoneColor to see it instantly fill your screen. Try a web color code like #D31996, #C0FFEE, DECAFF, or red.

Great alternative

LoneColor wallpapers are a refreshing and relaxing change from the traditional photo wallpapers. They also free up valuable memory, consume less battery, and make your device run faster.

Minimalist, but frank

LoneColor is tiny and minimalist: no user interface, no settings, nothing. And it gives feedback using the... Clipboard. Paste anywhere to get the color code of the random wallpaper, or any (unlikely) error messages.

Keep tapping

If the random color wallpaper is not to your taste, and because LoneColor is so "instant" and easy to use, you can keep tapping its icon until you are satisfied with the result. And refresh as often as you like.

Get LoneColor for Android

LoneColor runs on all Android versions starting with version 5.0, and only requires one permission: the ability to set the wallpaper on your device. The app does not require Internet access.

Get it on Google Play

LoneColor for Windows

Color wallpapers

Solid color wallpapers may be a welcome, refreshing and modern change from the traditional photo wallpapers. They also free up valuable memory and make PCs run faster. Use LoneColor to try one on your Desktop.

Just one click

LoneColor is very easy to use: simply drop the program or its shortcut on your Desktop and double-click it to get a random color wallpaper. Or rename "LoneColor" to "LoneColor Pink", and run it to get a Pink wallpaper.

No user interface

LoneColor has a minimal design and no user interface! To specify the color you want to use, just add its name or code to the program name. It's like using command line parameters, but a lot easier. And less technical.

Clipboard talk

As a zero interface app, LoneColor has no windows! So it talks to the user using the... Clipboard. It writes the color code of your wallpaper, or any error messages, to the Clipboard. To see them, paste anywhere.

Works anywhere

If you are using a notebook and running a Starter Edition of Windows, you are stuck with the default wallpaper. There is no option to change it. LoneColor can help you set a fast and clean solid color wallpaper.

Easy to go back

Want to restore your old photo wallpaper? Rename "LoneColor" to "LoneColor C" (or create a "LoneColor C" shortcut), and run it to open the Desktop Background Control Panel, where you can easily undo changes.

Get LoneColor for Windows

LoneColor runs on all Windows versions starting with Windows XP. You can install it on your PC, or download the portable version that does not require installation. The app does not require Internet access.

Selected reviews

One of the most simplistic and cleverly designed apps we've seen in a long time.

LoneColor boasts what could appropriately be called a zero interface. ... In a nutshell, it's a very simple and unique app.

You can decorate your Windows Desktop using all sorts of images and photos, but if you prefer the minimalist approach, LoneColor could be the tool for you.

If you like to change up your computer's background color frequently, but don't want to dig through the settings, LoneColor offers one of the easiest ways to make the change quickly.

The way it accepts color choices from users is quite innovative. Personally, I would have also preferred to see some sort of color picker ... But I guess that would have taken away the uniqueness of this software.

🧡👍 Wow! I am using it for about two days now, and i already love this app. Thank you! (I have just purchased your two purchasable apps to support the development.)

Espen Laub


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